Jean's profile avatar
Offline since 15h ago
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Hola from Andalucía, España, where the sun is hot and so are the boys. After eight centuries of Arab civilization the DNA is in our blood and our typical muchachos have black hair and brown eyes with a dark complexion. They are exceptionally friendly and hospitality is a vibrant part of our economy.

Cristian González ended up in hospital with a serious injury two years ago from a goring where the bull's horn moved inside making two trajectories. The prognosis was not good but Cristian who is from Salamanca can be seen tomorrow (18 May 2024) on cmm television at 6 p.m. from Castellar de Santiago (Ciudad Real). This can be seen worldwide on the internet live.

Archiel's avatar


Jean, I hope Cristian will be okay. Please update me on this cutie's status when you hear something. Wishing you a warm, sunny weekend.

7 hours ago

Jean's avatar


Riu Melo


Gingersnap's avatar




Jean's avatar


This torero is in fine shape, Gingersnap. Thanks for improving my Profile.
